Monday, January 30, 2012


Master O (My lovely 9 year old boy) got a camera for Christmas.
He spent one rainy day morning lying on his bed learning through trial and error 
about all the wonderful things that he can do with his new camera.
He has taken some truly awful photo's of me (with the fish eye lens) 
that my pride will just not let me share with you.
However I thought I would share a couple of his great shots.

While Master O has been experimenting with his camera and playing with his mates 
I whipped up a couple more pures.

A Heart for Valentine's

Lovebirds out for a stroll

 All my purses and rabbits are listed for sale here
I will post to anywhere in the world.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


For a long time now I have wanted to try my hand at making Purses. 
This is something I have kept putting off.
Mater O is on a three day Basketball course so I have taken this time to learn how to sew in a zip.
I can honestly confess I don't think I have ever done this before.
Whenever my mother (who is a brilliant sewer) used to try to teach me to sew she used to end up throwing her arms in the air and walking away.
I was not a very good listener back then.................I hope I have improved .

So armed with two online tutorials the best of which I thought was the one here on my friend at
Big Little's blog.
(Just remember to have the zip starting on the left hand side of the purse)
I will confess I started to sew the zip in the wrong way and I did break a sewing needle but I got there in the end..................yippee!

Here are my efforts 
for you to see:
(All made with recycled blankets, wool felt and 100% cotton lining) 

Bunnie Purse or Pencil Case

Whale and Scottie Dog Purse or Pencil Cases

This Purse I needle felted on the front and back

They are all lined with beautiful fabrics that I have been collecting

What do you think ?

Sunday, January 22, 2012

The Lovely Blog Award

I had a lovely surprise today I have been given this Blog Award by Mel of 
Wildflower Design (thank you Mel )

 I am passing this award onto the following wonderful blogs that I love to follow and maybe you will too

The award goes to lovely blogs with less than 200 followers, the rules are:
1Show your thanks to the blogger who gave you the award by linking back to them.
2Reveal your top 5 picks for the award and let them know by leaving a comment on their blog.
3Post the award on your blog.

4Bask in the love from the most supportive people in the blogsphere - other bloggers.

5And, best of all – have fun and spread the Karma. :)


Friday, January 20, 2012

New Range

Master O is on holiday till the 2nd of February so in between social engagements 
and other commitments I am squeezing in some sewing.
My new range is all going to be Easter themed.
My friend Marie over at Soft Earth will be very happy with me as I have been 
experimenting with needle felting. 
I am having great fun with it.

Here is a quick peek at what I have been working on:

The four Amigo's!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Right Now

Right Now I am thankful for many things:

* The colours of summer

* The sun that comes out every so often from behind a rain cloud and gives me that sun kissed feeling

* My veggie patch that has gone crazy in this humid wet weather. 
I need to find some great rhubarb recipes if anyone has one to share.

* Mr O is a hoarder where as I am not, but yesterday he tidied his man shed and all sorts of things ended up on the front lawn "Free to a good home"
(Everything went................yippee!)

* Master O got the first few Harry Potter books for Christmas.
He is reading them with Mr O, I think the two are addicted they keep disappearing,
and I find them reading........................just a few more pages.

* The movie I just saw this week "Soul Surfer" which is based on the true life story of 
Bethany Hamilton, it is just so inspirational. See more about it here

*Good friends and bountiful tables of food and wine. Its just such a great time to catch up.

* These great words I read the other day.....................

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Happy New Year

Its hard to believe its 2012 and the 5th of January already!
Time is flying by.
I have been away on holiday with my family since the 27th of December 
in the lovely Bay of Plenty.

Up until yesterday we had been blessed with plenty of rain.
Yesterday the sun came out and our summer holiday of sun, sea and surf began.

I will confess that I have been very naughty in my eating habits at this time. 
I have a rather large weakness for Mince Pies and Christmas cake.
So its just as well that before Christmas I booked myself and Mr O
on an online Whole Foods course that starts on the 6th of February for 3 months.

This course looks to be amazing and one of my New Years resolutions is to expand my healthy eating recipe repertoire.
If you would like to join me on this new adventure you can find out more about it here

Soon my pantry will look more like this.............

Only a couple of weeks to go and I will be back sewing and cooking up some fine meals.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

This Moment

(this moment} - A Sunday ritual. A few photo's- no words - capturing a moment from
the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause,
savor and remember.