Sunday, April 29, 2012

Right Now

Master O has a new passion for scootering.
So right now we are visiting a number of Scooter/Skateboard parks.
These parks have a whole culture of there own.
The things some of these children can do on there scooters, skateboards and bikes are amazing.

When I was a child there were no designated parks for these activities we all skateboarded 
on our driveways or foot paths.
Its all new to me, and I must confess I am enjoying watching these kids at play and there skills.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012


On the weekend I had a stall at Crafternoon Tea.
I was next to the lovely Renee from The Little White Box .
Renee had a beautiful new 
ceramic ornament design that I just had to buy.

The shape of this ornament inspired me to create a new Lovebird Hotwater Bottle Cover design.

A wee while ago GOOD Magazine asked me to send them a photo of one of my 
Hotwater Bottle Covers so they could put it in an article on wool. 
I sent them three photo's to choose from and lucky me they published all three 
in this months issue of GOOD.

I am over the moon
 Thank you to the lovely ladies at GOOD.

Monday, April 23, 2012


Its that time again.................time to detox.
I did a detox 2 years ago in August. I planned to detox for a week or two ,
I ended up detoxing for four months. 
The first three to four days I felt terrible but after that I felt amazing. 
I had so much energy, I slept  so well, I lost 8kgs and my health was amazing. 
But now I have picked up a few bad habits such as cheese and so its time to detox. 
I planned to start 1 April but a good friend pointed out I would have to get through
 Easter and being surrounded by chocolate! 
So today is day one of  
Sugar (I can have honey or maple syrup)
No Caffeine

I don't think I will feel as bad as last time as I have not drunk 
coffee or caffeine teas for nearly two years now. 
I will keep you posted as to how I go.

 While I am talking about Health the wonderful Jason Shon Bennett is giving a talk at 
Master O's school as a fundraiser. 
I really would recommend coming to hear him talk, he has changed my families life and many of my friends life's and health.

 Here is the link to Jason's website and his story:
Here are the details:
Venue: MPS Auditorium, 55 Amy Street, Ellerslie, Auckland
Date: Wed 16 May 2012
Time: 07:00 PM - 09:00 PM
Doors open at 6.30pm and the tickets cost $15.00. It is best to pre purchase your ticket.

 If you would like to buy a ticket please email me on:

PS: I have been sewing and my next post will be all about craft I promise.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

This Moment

{this moment} - A Sunday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from
the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause,
savor and remember.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Road Trip

Master O and I left Auckland on a road trip to the Bay of Plenty yesterday,
to spend some time with his grandparents.
I must confess I am really enjoying this time.
Master O is a real Daddies boy at the moment, I am second best.
So to get quality one on one time where your opinion counts first is great.
We spent 3 hours on the road listening to music, stopping to check out op shops, 
having lunch and discussing Rugby and Basketball in depth (really not my forte) .
My lovely 9 year old is a real joy to be with.
The time flies.............. this little boy is growing up,
 as I write this post he is playing chess with his grandad.

I will be back in Auckland on Saturday for Crafternoon Tea.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

This Moment

{this moment} - A Sunday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from
the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause,
savor and remember.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Woodland Fabric

This beautiful Woodland Print has inspired me to do a couple of Bambi Purses 
that I have lined with this print.
They are listed here on Felt

If not sold before the weekend they will be coming with me
to a new market.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Rhubarb Smoothie

I hope everyone had a great Easter.

 Master O loved his Easter egg hunt.

A while back I mentioned that my veggie patch was full on Rhubarb and I didn't know what to do with it all!
 Recently I went to a cafe on Waiheke Island and had a beautiful Rhubarb Smoothie.
I came home and googled Rhubarb and found out that it is full of wonderful things.
High in Vitamin A and K, plus Calcium and great for the immune system among other things. 
You can read more about it here.
I looked up Rhubarb Smoothies and after trying a few and adapting them here is the recipe I made up, it is enough for 3 glasses of smoothie.

1 1/2 cups of Rhubarb chopped to about an inch each (Fresh or frozen)
1 1/2 cups of  Strawberries (Fresh or frozen)
1 1/2 cups of Almond milk or 1/2 a cup of natural yoghurt and 1 1/2 cups of water
1 tablespoon of honey (optional)
2 frozen bananas (You can use fresh bananas but the smoothie is not as creamy)
2 teaspoons of Chia Seeds (Optional) They are a great super food you can read more here.

It is really yummy.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Blanket Love

I have finished the "Blanket Love" series.
I do hope they sell as I so enjoyed doing them.




Equals Love

I found them very hard to photograph because of the glass.

I tried to make it that you could hang them individually or as a set.
That they would work either way.
I hope to sell them here for $45.00 NZD each.

I would love your feedback as this is a new venture and I would love to know what people think.
I personally swing from loving them, not being sure and then thinking I could do better.
I imagine most crafters feel this at some point or another...........

Sunday, April 1, 2012

{this moment} - A Sunday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from
the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause,
savor and remember.