Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Things I'm Afraid to Tell You

this post is inspired by Jess Constable 
and initiated by Ez from Creature Comforts.

I thought it might be nice to every so often share something you might not know about me.
Ever since I can remember people have always taken one look at me and thought that I would be into sports.

I have no idea why!

When I was in my 20's and foot loose and fancy free I had men wanting to date me who were 
PE Teachers, Marathon runs, Hikers, Skiers, Cyclists and they always wanted me to do
their sport of choice with them.
The truth is sport and I just don't gel!

Now in my 40's I walk once or twice a week with a good friend.
This time last year we had to give up walking due to constant rain.
So this year my friend said 
"Lets try Yoga?"

I thought how hard can that be.

Today I went to my second class and I had to stop half way through as I nearly fainted.
The instructor kept saying your tight in the back, tight in the pelvis, tight between the shoulders.
In the end we both agreed I am just tight all over.

Even though I nearly fainted (the whole class knew) and I ache all over and I need to work on my breathing so I dont faint!
I must confess that I am enjoying this Yoga.
I think I might have finally found a sport that suits me.
I will keep you posted.

Just so you know I am still crafting away and turning out lots of Hot water Bottle covers for 
a new market that I am going to this weekend.

Monday, May 28, 2012

This Moment

This week has been so busy and the truth is I have not picked up the camera all week!

So this moment I am sharing is from a few months ago.
These pictures were taken by a photographer at the FIRST THURSDAY MARKET.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Framed Love Bird

All the Blanket Series framed fibre pictures sold.
Which is just wonderful.
I wish I could see what they look like in the peoples houses.

My Love Birds sell so well on my Purses and my Hot water Bottle Covers 
that I decided to frame one.

Here's the little bird that I did.

Here he is framed.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Still going strong

I am still detoxing.
I will confess I have had a couple of naughty foods.
Such as mothers day when my boys took me out to brunch and I just had to have bacon.
But 99% of the time I have stayed true to my no wheat, meat, dairy, alcohol, caffeine detox.
A book that has truly helped me is the REVIVE COOK BOOK.

This book is full of wonderful recipes.
I cannot say enough about this book.
It is on special at the moment.

I missed This Moment on Sunday.
Which was a shame as a major event happened this week that I just have to mention.
Master O is in a mini basketball team.
They are the youngest team in his school to ever play basketball.
They won there league last Wednesday .
What proud happy boys and girls they were.
It was a tense final and I must confess to yelling and screaming a bit on the side lines.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

More Fabric Inspiration

I found a beautiful blue and cream blanket in the op shop last week.
It has inspired a number of my creations this week.
Here are a few:

Whale Hot water Bottle Cover

Tree with Lovebird Purse

Once again I used the beautiful Riley Blake Fabric

Mushroom Purse

Lined with this lovely Lecien Fabric that I bought from

Monday, May 14, 2012

Riley Blake Fabric

The other day I found a lovely online fabric shop called
I ordered some great fabrics for my purses and they just look wonderful.
I could not resist this lovely fabric:

Here it is in my latest Owl Purse.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

This Moment

 {this moment} - A Sunday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from
the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause,
savor and remember.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Mo Jo

I had the most wonderful time at the Devonport Craft Market in the weekend.
All my framed Fibre Art sold plus loads of Hotwater Bottle Covers and Purses.
Which is fantastic...................but I seem to have lost my MO JO to sew.

So this week I went blanket shopping and I found five wonderful blankets.
Which I have been washing and ironing and cutting into purse shapes and 
hotwater bottle cover shapes.
I have ordered more frames..................yippee!
Bought more thread and I am basically getting set for my sewing MO JO to return.
Hopefully soon as I have some orders to fill.
Here's the last few things I sewed before my creative juices went on holiday.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Raw Food Chocolate Cheescake

The other week I mentioned that I had made a raw food Chocolate Cheesecake that is wheat, diary and sugar free. I have had a few people ask for the recipe so here it is:

1 1/2 cups of Coconut Flakes
3/4 cup of almonds
45g of Cacao or Coco Powder
120g of date paste (soak  seedless dates in hot water for 15 minutes and then blend in food processor
to make paste)
1 Tablespoon of Vanilla
1/8 of a teaspoon of  Salt

Process first the almonds, then add coconut flakes, salt, vanilla and date paste. The final result of the crust should be a mixture that holds together with a gentle pressure and can be broken apart with a clean break. Press the mixture evenly into the bottom of the cheesecake tin until all pressed in nicely.
Place in the freezer to harden while you make the filling.

2 cups of cashew nuts
1/2 cup of coconut oil, (Melted) Place jar of coconut oil in a bowl of boiling water so that it melts.
1/2 cup of raw honey
1/2 cup of water
2 teaspoons of vanilla
3/4 cup of cacao or Cocoa Powder

Soak cashews nuts in warm water for a minimum of 1 hour. (the longer you soak them the better, I often soak them overnight if I have time)
Rinse and drain well.
Place cashews, honey, vanilla, and water in a high powder blender or food processor and blend until creamy.
Add cacao or cocoa powder and the coconut oil. Blend until creamy, stopping the blender and scraping down the sides as needed. This may take a minute or two. You need to be a bit patient with the blending process.
Once the filling is silky and creamy, pour into the cheesecake tin with the crust. Place in the freezer to set for a few hours. After set place in the fridge.
This dish needs to be keep in the fridge and should be bought out 10-20 minutes before serving so that it thaws a little.

You can serve with a fresh raspberry sauce: simply toss two cups of raspberries (fresh or thawed frozen) into a blender with a bit of honey and blend.

If you google Raw Food Chocolate Cheesecakes there are a number of you tube 
video's that can help you as well. 
Also this blog pure2raw has some yummy recipes.



Sunday, May 6, 2012

This Moment

My son a budding Sir Peter Blake on Steinlager 2

Saturday, May 5, 2012


I am off to the Devonport Arts and Crafts Market this Sunday. 
I will have some of my new range of Lovebird Hotwater Bottle covers and 
Purses that are great for makeup, jewellery or bits and pieces.
Do come and see me if you get the chance.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Right Now

I am on day 10 of my detox and apart from a few headaches I have been doing really well.
I even held a dinner party on Sunday night and I made a wonderful meal even if I do say so myself:
Thai Pumpkin soup to start, followed by marinate prawns, salad and sauteed potatoes.
Next came the raw food desserts Key Lime Pie and Chocolate Cheese Cake.
There was no meat, wheat, diary or sugar for anyone or wine for me..............

Most mornings I have homemade soaked Muesli for breakfast.
 But sometimes I like to mix it up with a smoothie. 
Here is my latest :

Breakfast Smoothie
2 Tablespoons of Jumbo Oats
1/4 cup of raw almonds
1 frozen or fresh banana
1 or 2 dates
1/4 cup of raspberries, or blackcurrants or blackberries or strawberries. Whatever fruit you prefer.
1 cup of almond milk
a squeeze of lemon juice.

Place the rolled oats and almonds in the blender and process until mixture resembles bread crumbs.
Add the other ingredients and blend.
If you have trouble blending you can add a bit of water.

Since I was featured in GOOD magazine I have had non stop orders for
Hotwater bottlecovers. So that's all I have been sewing of late.
I cannot complain it is all fun.

Have a great day.