Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Winter Pixies

Last week I had Master O home with a head cold.
We wrapped up warm and sat around listening to some of his favourite talking books.
It does not matter how many times we listen to Roald Dahl's 
stories we are always riveted.
The most popular one at the moment is 
"Danny the Champion of the World"
I love the descriptive words like "Pramulator".

So while we sat listening Master O did some drawing and I made a new range of pixies.
Please welcome the 
"Winter Pixies"

They are close friends with the Flower Pixies
but only tend to come out to play 4 months of the year.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Our changing Food Style

This week my sister came to visit.
I made her a bog standard cup of tea but when it came to adding milk I only had 
Soy Milk, Almond Milk or Oat Milk in the house 
(We are now a Dairy Milk Free household). 
Luckily I had a yummy gluten free cup cake to make up for her cup of tea. 

My sister's visit made me realise just how much my families food style has 
changed in the last three years.
We have been on this journey doing Vegetarian Cooking classes, 
Vegan Cooking Classes, Raw Food classes, 
even a three month online Whole Food course. 

We are now 95% meat free, we make our own muesli and yogurt. 
We eat Sour dough or fermented breads. 
We try to be gluten free.
We eat alot of fruit, vegetables and nuts.

This weekend I went on a wonderful
with three of my girlfriends.
(I can highly recommend this course)
I have been big in the last few years on smoothies but not so much on juicing.
So among other things we learnt all about juicing.
We were told to ease ourselves into juicing as it can be a bit like detoxing.

This morning I jumped out of bed and I juiced:
Beetroot, Carrots, Apples, Silver beet, Ginger Root and added Acai Berry powder.
We three all had a glass each, it was yummy.
I waited for my energy boost.
But all I got was a headache so did Mr O.
I was so surprised.

I thought we eat healthy so we can start off with a glass a day.
But no I think we need to start off with half a glass a day,
and work our way up from there. 
Our bodies are filled with more baddies than I thought!

So today at Kraftbomb I had a nasty headache.
But even with the nasty headache I had a lovely day.
I met some great people and almost sold out of Hot water Bottle Covers which was wonderful.

Next Sunday I will be at the Devonport Craft Market and I will have 
had a week of starting my day with vegetable juice's.
So look out I should be full of energy.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

The Tax Man Cometh

I have spent the past 2 days surrounded by papers sorting out my tax for the year.
I re did it three times!
But now I think its right so I can send it away ..........yippee!

I realised with all these little trips away that I have not listed any new product in my
Felt Store for 3 weeks.
So yesterday and today whilst taking breaks from my tax return to sort my head out 
I listed a number of items. Here are a selection for you to see.
To see them all just go over to my Felt Store.

I have a couple of new purse designs:

Both Purses are lined with this lovely" Farm Play" fabric by Shopgirl Fabrics.

I also loaded some new Mushroom Designs:

Lined with more Lecien Woodland Fabric

Plus some more Owls

Lined with Robert Kaufman - Critter Community - Bermuda Owls

I am loving working with these great fabrics.
They really inspire me.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Woodland Series

People keep asking me if I will do a range of framed children's pictures.
So I decided to do a "Woodland Series" since I am so attracted to all the woodland
prints that are out this winter.
Please excuse the photos I was looking for somewhere with little light.
The best place turned out to be the cupboard I store all my creations in,
but its still not perfect.

This beautiful Teal blanket that I have appliqued on is all gone.
I am praying that someone will put another one in an op shop near me 
for me to find, as I so loved appliqueing on this colour.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Mangawhai Heads

I have just been away on a wonderful girls weekend with five lovely ladies
to beautiful Mangawhai Heads.
We ate, we drank, we talked and talked.
We walked on the beach, read magazines and played scrabble.
It was a most wonderful and relaxing time.

Now I am back in the real world with piles of work.
All my Hiawatha Head bands have gone so its time to get down to making more feathers.

This weekend I am going to be at Crafternoon Tea.
Where we will be have a cake stall (Pink Ribbon Breakfast) to raise money for breast cancer.
The market will have a pink theme.
Do come along if you can as it should be such fun.


Thursday, June 7, 2012

Little Break

As a family we just took a six day holiday
visiting my parents in the Bay of Plenty.
We had a most relaxing time.
I squeezed in one market, the "Little Big Market"
at Mt Maunganui which is on the first Saturday of each month.
It was a great market and I had a wonderful day with my friend
Lizzy from Ellaquaint who also had a stall.

The organisers of the market wanted every stall to have some flowers.
I found this beautiful plant that I felt was just perfect.

Some time for Rugby Practise on the beach

Some time for Hurling on the Beach
(Here's a link that tells you about hurling if you have never heard of it)

And of course some time for a little sewing .
I had made more framed art works and they sold  at the market which is just wonderful.
So I made a few more while away.

All packaged up ready for my next market.

Well I must go Yoga awaits.............................