Monday, July 30, 2012

This Moment

 {this moment} - A Sunday ritual. A few photo's - no words - capturing a moment from
the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause,
savor and remember.

Friday, July 27, 2012


It is a year since I started doing markets.
The time has gone so quickly.

Yesterday I did a stock take in preparation for the
Auckland Arts and Crafts show on Saturday and then Kraftbomb on Sunday.
I then looked at my stock take from this time last year.
I found it interesting what new and exciting things I have started making since I first began.
Sometimes I think I have so many idea's running around my head that I never get them out. 
But looking at what I have made this past year I realise quiet a few ideas and dreams have come true.

Here's a new purse design I came up with this week.
I think I might need to refine the feet............what do you think ?

The purse has a lovely paisley lining.
Paisley always reminds me of my university days.
I had a killer pair of paisley pants !

Have a wonderful weekend.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Master O's Pencil Case

Master O went back to school last week.
He needed a new pencil case, so of course I said I would make him one.
When I asked what he wanted on the front of it he said a "BAT".
I found it very hard to get excited about appliqueing a black bat.
So I said lets go online and see if we can find any other animals that you love.
We found MR FOX.

I lined the inside with a new beautiful orange blanket that I had just found.
Master O was very happy.

Mr FOX has lead to a whole new range of purses and Hot Water Bottle covers with this design.
We even now have MR WOLF.


The Mr Wolf purse is lined with Little Red Riding Hood fabric.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

This Moment

 {this moment} - A Sunday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from
the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause,
savor and remember.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

A Thank You

On Sunday my oldest friend Kerri came to brunch.
We have known each other since she was 5 and I was 7.
We often go months with out seeing one another,
 but once together it is like we have never been a part.

Its funny how our life's are different and yet the same.
She has one son, as do I.
She had her son when she was 24 and I had Master O when I was 36.
Her son grew up mad about basketball, my son is just the same.
And the similarities and difference's go on and on..............

Kerri bought me a big box of vintage blankets and table clothes and other wonderful things.
They came from her mother Jill who is one of the nicest ladies I have ever met.
Jill was having a big clean out as she has just moved house.
She asked Kerri to give me this lovely box of goodness.

 Jill is into floral art and she did all the flowers at my wedding when 
I married Mr O many moons ago.
So I can think of no better way to thank Jill, 
than to make her something out of one of her
 old blue blankets with a flower on it.

I do hope she enjoys it.

Monday, July 16, 2012


 In September last year I started making Pixies for Christmas.
They were so popular that I made and sold over a hundred Pixies.
These Pixies have traveled all over the world.
A lovely pink one even went to the Beehive in Wellington.
I could have sold more but I had run out of time and stamina to make any more.

This year I thought I would make a few every month and then I would have a 
great stock pile for Christmas.
But the little rascals are still selling and finding new homes.
People hang them from car mirrors, from draw and door knobs.
Children use them for imaginative play.
They have number of different uses.

I get there little bodies from a supplier in Australia and they are not cheap.
I decided it was time to see if I could find a cheaper supplier.
I found a lovely company in America and I just got my first order of Pixie bodies.
Mr O and I had a good chuckle as my new Pixie bodies are half the price and a twice the girth!

Old Pixie Body on left, new body on right.
I cannot wait to see what my new plumper pixies looks like.

Here are the wee ones I have all waiting in there box to go to 
Crafternoon Tea this weekend.

If you cannot make the market and you are keen to have a little Pixie of your own they are
for sale in my Felt Store.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

This Moment (Cousins)

 {this moment} - A Sunday ritual. A couple of photo's - no words - 
 capturing a moment from the week. 
A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause,
savor and remember.

Thursday, July 12, 2012


So locked away in my studio I have been working on my new range which I have called 

Hydrangea's are so colourful and it is the type of flower that you can dress up or dress down.

Of course I had to put them on purses

I also made a new range of
"Fairy Princess Crowns"

You wont see these things in my online store as they will be going with me to the:
I am so excited to be doing this Fair again.

Monday, July 9, 2012

New Design

It is the school holidays and so I have limited time to sew.
Master O is going to Basket Ball camp for three days so I am locked in my studio.
I should be sewing Hot water bottle covers
as my supply is very low...............

But I have some new idea's running around my head and new supply of felt that I dyed last week.
Plus I saw this lovely picture the other day and I cannot get flowers out of my head.

So here is a sneak peak and what I am doing instead of Hottie Covers....................

What do you think?

Sunday, July 8, 2012

This Moment (Beetroot Juice)

 {this moment} - A Sunday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from
the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause,
savor and remember.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Large Purse

Master O is now nine, so not so long ago I downside the size of my hand bag.
I no long need to carry food, drinks, nappies, wet wipes .
All those things that are so essential when your children are young.
So when I designed my purses I designed them with my new small hand bag in mind.

But it has come to my attention that I left off all the large Hand bag ladies that 
need a bigger purse for all their family or work essentials.
So I have just designed a larger purse.
It is 9 inches wide by 7 inches deep.
Here are a couple of them for you to see:

If you want to see any more take a peak at my shop.

Monday, July 2, 2012


At least every second market or so someone asks me 
"Do you make Brooches?"
Several years ago I made my mother inlaw a brooche.
It was a real slippery sucker and I have not made any since.

Last week I decided to bite the bullet and make a few more.
So now I can say
"Yes I do make brooches.

Last week I also made a few more 
"Special Hearts"

Here they are already to go to market.