Sunday, April 28, 2013

Large Essential or Ipad Cases

We are in the middle of school holidays here in New Zealand.
Master O is off school for 2 weeks.
He has a big assignment for school all based on his family tree.
So this next week we are off on a road trip to visit his grandparent's 
to find out all about where his ancestors came from.

In amongst all this I have been sewing away at 
Ipad Cases, Purses and Cushions for 
Mothers Day.
Here is a peak at some of my creations.

I love this lining in the Owl Ipad or Large Essentials Case.

You can find the cases for sale here

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Laptop Case

I had a lovely lady contact me from Boston 
through Etsy to ask me if I could make her
a laptop case using my fox pattern but adapting it to look 
like her dog which is a "Shiba Inu".
I looked up pictures of Shiba Inu Dogs
they are just beautiful.
Here is a picture of one here:

Here is the case

While I made this case I made another to sell that is slightly different in design.
This case is in my Etsy Store
It is designed to fit a

13 inch Macbook Air
13 inch macbook
13 inch Macbook pro
13 inch Laptops

The case measures approximately:
15 inches by 11 inches or 38cm by 28 cm

I am so enjoying doing the fox design.
I thought I would share some other pictures with you that
helped to inspire me.


Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Where is the time going?

I came into the start of this year feeling wonderfully relaxed.
For the first time since having Master O  (10 years ago)  I had a 6 week holiday.
I spent most of the summer at the beach truly relaxing and unwinding.

Here I am at the beach relaxing with Master O.

I set myself some New Years resolutions and some I have achieved.

* I lost 6kgs (Some of it unfortunately came back at Easter)

* I wanted to make some new products (ipad cases, Laptop Cases and Cushions have come about)

* I wanted to get my product into more stores (I have 4 new stockists)

*I wanted a beautiful new veggie patch. This proved to be a big job. Here I am helping to move 6 cubic metres of top soil in the rain!

Here is the planting team of  Mr O, Master O and his best friend Miss B

These planter boxes are now beautiful to behold.
Every night at least one thing on our dinner plates comes from our new veggie patch.

* I wanted to make Master O a MILK BOOK of the first 10 years of his life.
This also proved to be a big project.
I finally finished it and it arrived in the post about two weeks ago.
Master O looks at it almost every day.
It was a huge success.
I highly recommend Milk books.

*I wanted to do more exercise. 
I started the year walking every day with a hiss and a roar.
Now I am truly a back slider!

These were just a few of my resolutions,  there are still more and it is already April. 
Where does the time go!
I started this blog to share with others and lately I feel I don't get to do this blog justice.
So I will add to my list to make more time to blog!

I do want to share with you one of my proudest moments from the past few months.
Master O achieved one of his New Years resolutions.
He entered and completed the "Weetbix Tryathalon"
This was huge for him as he has challenges with his fine and gross motor skills.
This young mans drive and determination is just so inspiring to me.

I leave you one very busy proud mother
(Who has been sewing I promise I will show you soon)

What New Years resolutions have you achieved?
I would love to hear from you.

Monday, April 8, 2013


Just recently I found a beautiful Teal blanket.
A few days later my lovely friend Alice found me a second
Teal blanket.
Anytime I do colourful designs on Teal they
just seem to pop!

Here is my latest Teal Cushion

You can find this cushion for sale in my 

This past week my good friend Renee had a birthday.
She loves Teal and Owls so I made her
an Ipad or Large Essentials case.

I so love this linning.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Little Big Market

I had a lovely time at the
"Little Big Market"
at Mt Maunganui on Saturday.

Mr O came along and snapped a few pictures of my stall that I
thought I would share with you.
Can you spot me I am dressed in turquoise.

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