Thursday, June 27, 2013

Taking Time

One morning last week I rushed home after
my morning therapy session with kids to do some sewing for
the Auckland Art and Craft Fair.
I jumped out of my car and saw my neighbour cleaning his gutters.
He asked me how I was and I said "BUSY".
We talked for a while about how busy we both were and where had the year gone.

I came inside and sat down to sew.
Sometimes whilst sewing I listen to TED talks.
Mr O had recommend I listen to a talk by
Carl Honore called "In Praise of Slowness"
This talk really hit a chord with me.

That night I went out with a few girlfriends and over dinner I told my
friends about the talk.
One of my girlfriends said that her husband had decided lately to not say
that he was BUSY when people asked him as he felt he was wearing BUSY-NESS
like a Badge of Honour which he felt was not right.

If you can make the time do listen to the talk it is really funny and thought provoking

After listening to it my sister in law said she was going to start
listening to her inner turtle!

So I have been sewing for:

I have been loving blues and greens this week.
So here's a peak at some of the goodies I will be taking to the fair with me.

Hopefully if you live in Auckland I will see you there.
Do say  "Hi"  if you get the chance, I would love to meet the people that take the time to read my blog.

Alex O

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

New Space

I am nice and warm in my new studio space.
Which has lots of wonderful natural light.
I have my French Pear candle burning and I am listening to 
I must confess I love Spotify, I get to hear lots of artists that I would
probably never hear.
I just listened to the new album by

Here is a little peak at one corner.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Where has the time gone...................

I must apologise
I planned to try and blog more and I am blogging less.
We have had a mad few weeks.
Mr O and I were gifted a lovely weekend away to
Waiheke Island
to stay at the beautiful

"Te Whau Lodge"

It was a wonderful relaxing weekend.

The following weekend was a long weekend and we
went away again with six other families.
To this lovely property owned by the Danish Society called
"Valhalla"  I thought it would be madness 15 children and 10 adults.
It proved to be a most relaxing and enjoyable weekend.
I should mention here that this year one of my aims is to do the following:


We drank mulled wine in front of the fire whilst nibbling on freshly caught fish.
We had long walks, listened to each others great stories,
while children laughed and ran around us.
We had some delicious shared meals.
We had a wonderful time and the weather shined upon us.
I came home feeling a great sense of companionship and lifted higher within myself.
Thank you lovely friends.

So in amongst going away I have moved my studio space which was no small mission.
I was ruthless and got rid of a number of things that I was never likely to use.
It is a wonderful feeling de-cluttering.
Now I have a bigger space and hopefully I am more productive.

I have set the next two weeks aside to work on my creations for the
Auckland Art and Craft Fair on the 29th of June.
Here is a link to the interview they did about me on there blog,
plus more information about the fair.

Once it stops raining and the light is better I will share a few photos with you
of my new space and my new creations as well.