Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Comfort Food

 Green Smoothies ground to a halt last Friday 
after 25 days (with Saturdays off).
I came down with a head cold and sore throat.
I am hardly surprised as half the kids I teach have been coughing
and sniffing for the past few weeks.

So all I want is comfort food.
Lovely Tomato soup and yummy bread!.
I am coming right and I plan to go back to Green Smoothies 
next week when I am 100% .
I have a lovely new book full of Avocado based smoothies that I am dying to try out.

In the mean time I have been working away.
Filling orders and getting ready for a big art show.
I will show you more pictures soon.

You can now find my designs at:

Sunday, August 25, 2013

We have a winner........

Master O drew out of the bowl.................................
Debbie who has 3 sons and one daughter who likes pink pixies.

Congratulation's Debbie.

A Mushroom Pixie and a Pink Pixie will be flying your way shortly.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Pixie Giveaway

The season is fast approaching when my Pixies all start leaving
home to go to new homes.

I have seen them on trees, 
on mantle pieces,
hanging from door knobs, 
hanging from car mirrors.
Sitting on window sills.

Wherever they go I know they make people smile and
they spread happiness.

So I thought I would have a giveaway.
All you have to do is leave a comment below telling
me you favourite Flower Pixie Colour.

Next Sunday 25 August at 7.30pm
a winner will be drawn and two Pixies  
a Flower Pixie and a Mushroom Pixie will be sent to the winner
wherever you are in the world.

So please do leave a comment letting me know your favourite Flower Pixie colour.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Day Seventeen

Earlier this week I had an order for a Mushroom Pixie.
I was all out of these little Pixies.
So I sat down on Monday night and sewed a few.
I finished them off yesterday and one is winging its way to 
Wellington right now.
The other 3 are hanging out on my empty cotton reel pile looking for new homes.
If you would like to purchase a Mushroom Pixie 
just click

I am still going strong on the Green Smoothie front.
You should try one if you get a chance they are much yummier than they look!
Have a wonderful day
Alex O

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Day Fourteen

So it has been 14 days since I started having Green Smoothies 
for lunch and dinner. 
I have taken 2 days off due to going to birthday socials 
and wanting to be able to eat and drink freely.
I must confess this cleanse is proving to be quiet easy and I am feeling really great.
Plus my jeans are not so tight!

I got this great book from the library that has been hugely helpful.

I have really been head down in the studio sewing like a crazy person.
I had 3 big shop orders that all came in at once.

I have not had a chance to come up with new designs.
But here is a new version of my fox cushion.
I am calling it 
"Foxes at 50 paces"

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Day Four..................................

So it is day four of the cleanse.
I have homemade muesli for breakfast and a green smoothie for lunch and
another for dinner.
I find around 4pm I get hungry so I am having hummus
on celery or carrot sticks.
So far all is going well.
Today I made a detox smoothie.

1 tablespoon of Chia Seeds
1 cup to 1 to 1 and a 1/2 cups of Kale
1 Celery Stalk
1/4-1/2 cup of Parsley
Fresh Mint I used about a 1/4 of a cup (You can use more or less)
1 Apple
1 Kiwifruit or Orange or both
1 1/2 cups of water
Blend away

This is lighter than the last smoothie recipe and it is very refreshing.

I also dropped off at the 
a new range of Hottie Covers made just for them.

Hydrangea Hotties!

If you get a chance do go take a peak at the Garden party they have some lovely stock.