Friday, October 25, 2013

Labour Weekend

This is where I will be this Labour weekend.
Where will you be ?

Friday, October 18, 2013


Part of the fun of making my Purses and Ipad Cases 
is choosing the beautiful fabrics to go inside them.

One of my favourite fabric design companies is
Monaluna is a textile & surface design company producing fresh, 
modern prints & organic cotton fabric.

When I discovered them a few years ago I contacted them 
to see if they had a stockist in New Zealand.
Luckily for us they do, it is

Owl and Hedgehog is run by the lovely Steph who is based in sunny Tauranga. 
Steph stocks a selection of the Monaluna fabrics.

I can tell you that these fabrics are just a joy to work with.
They are top quality. 

Here is one of my Ipad Cases with Monaluna fabric lining for you to see.

Groovy Lotus by Monaluna

I just recently bought some of the 
Modern Home collection which I am looking forward to working with this coming week.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Where has she been?

I must apologise these school holidays have just run away on me.
We had family to stay and then Mr O took me away up North for 3 days.
In amongst it all my sewing basket was by my side and
I have been busily making Pixies , covers for Purses and Ipad cases.
Once I get my act together I will show you some pictures.

In the meantime here are a few pictures on my day trip to Keri Keri
and the lovely Stone Store and Kemp House.

Here I am all rugged up looking back at Kemp House.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Mushroom Houses

This week I have been working on Mushroom House
Ipad cases and purses.

Each Case or  Purse is lined with a themed Mushroom Fabric

Unfortunately they are not loaded in my online store just yet. 
Hopefully early next week they will all be in the store.

In the meantime they are coming with me to tomorrow's