Thursday, May 8, 2014

Right Now

I must start by saying I am sorry.
I never planned on being away from my blog for so just happened.

So I thought I would do a Right Now post so you know whats been happening.

* I had a 10 day holiday with my boys which was wonderful and relaxing.
* I finally managed to do my juicing fast. I lasted 12 days with ups and downs.
   I will definitely do it again but probably not for so long. Maybe 5-7 days maximum.
* I have been sewing some lovely orders.

* I also sewed some slightly new designs for my shop.

* I sewed Master O and his friend Easter Egg Hunting bags

* Then I made some Rabbit Purses for my shop

* Now that the weather is chillier I made some "Lovebird" Hotwater Bottle covers for my shop

* I did my first market of the year on Sunday at Devonport and it was really lovely.
   I do not have another market planned until the "Auckland Art and Craft Fair"
   I am giving myself a big break to work on some new designs that I will unveil at the fair.

So I am sorry I have been absent but I am back now 
and I promise to show sneak peaks of my new designs as I work away on them.