Monday, August 11, 2014

Little People (2)

I read this the other day and it really resonated with me.
My son is a sensitive soul and I do worry at times how he will get on in the world.
I read this and I thought its true the world is a better place because
he is a sensitive soul.

Several weeks ago now it was the school holidays.
So we jumped in the car and went down to the Bay of Plenty for 
a holiday with family. 
It rained and rained and was freezing cold.
So we spent a lot of time in doors.
Before we left I found some old wooden dolls tucked in the bottom of a box 
so I took them with me.
I went back to my roots and I made a little people family.

I had such a lot of fun making these little people.
I plan to take them to sell at the Michael Park Steiner school fair in November.
In fact I enjoyed making them so much that I order a few more doll bases to make up.

If you would like to make some.
You can see a tutorial that I did way back in 2011 that will help you.
Here is the link.

I have had Sinus for a few weeks now thus my absence.
A girlfriend said to me recently that as she has grown older she has learnt a
really important thing. It is that we have to learn to 

"Be kind to ourselves"

So I have stepped back from a few things these last few weeks and
I have learnt that is ooh so true.
Often we are so busy being kind and helpful to everyone around us that we forget about ourselves.

So take a moment and think about when was the last time you were kind to you ?