Thursday, July 23, 2015


Behind the scenes alot has been happening the last few weeks.
I live in a bungalow built in the 1920's that over the past 10  years we have been slowly doing up.
Just last week we had painters and plasters in to plaster and paint my studio and our bedroom.

Our lounge looked like "Hoarders are us" with all the stuff from my studio and our bedroom stored in there.
Master O and I left Mr O and the tradesmen too it and took off to the Bay of Plenty for 6 days to visit with family. 
We took Lucca our lovely puppy with us and introduced him to the beach.
He is so our dog, he just loves the beach.

I am now home, I spent yesterday moving everything back into my studio space. 
I still have boxes to unpack but it is so lovely.

Before I went away I had a baby shower to attend for a dear friend who is having a little boy in September.
I wanted to make a new design on my large nappy case (or it can be used as an Ipad case)
My friend loves Turtles and I sat down with this in mind.
But I came up with something completely different!
A Moose Head with a little bird.
I blame it all on the fabric that I found to line the case with.
It has Turtles and Moose in the design and the Moose won out!

I was so inspired that I made a few more designs and they are now loaded in my online store.

More is happening but thats a blog for another day as those boxes are needing unpacking.
I leave you with this lovely note I found the other day.