Friday, July 27, 2012


It is a year since I started doing markets.
The time has gone so quickly.

Yesterday I did a stock take in preparation for the
Auckland Arts and Crafts show on Saturday and then Kraftbomb on Sunday.
I then looked at my stock take from this time last year.
I found it interesting what new and exciting things I have started making since I first began.
Sometimes I think I have so many idea's running around my head that I never get them out. 
But looking at what I have made this past year I realise quiet a few ideas and dreams have come true.

Here's a new purse design I came up with this week.
I think I might need to refine the feet............what do you think ?

The purse has a lovely paisley lining.
Paisley always reminds me of my university days.
I had a killer pair of paisley pants !

Have a wonderful weekend.


  1. I don't have any problem with the feet. Bit like duck feet perhaps but thats o.k.

  2. Hey Alex, it's nice to look back over time and see how far you've come and what you've accomplished.......

    All the best with the markets, I hope they are very successful.
    Love your new design, it's very cute........ maybe hand embroider legs and feet?
    The paisley print lining is a great match...

    Claire :}

  3. Oh embroidering the feet does sound good, but it is a truly beautiful looking bird :)
