Monday, July 9, 2012

New Design

It is the school holidays and so I have limited time to sew.
Master O is going to Basket Ball camp for three days so I am locked in my studio.
I should be sewing Hot water bottle covers
as my supply is very low...............

But I have some new idea's running around my head and new supply of felt that I dyed last week.
Plus I saw this lovely picture the other day and I cannot get flowers out of my head.

So here is a sneak peak and what I am doing instead of Hottie Covers....................

What do you think?


  1. It's looks gorgeous! Love the colours!

  2. Those flowers are stunning! And your felt flowers look beautiful too, I'm curious what they will be :)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. LOVE them Alex! And looking forward to seeing what they're sewn on ...

  5. That's really beautiful Alex. Why not combine the 2 and have floral hottie covers? What a lovely way to get winter cheer.
