Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Easter and family

 We three ducks have a busy household at the moment.
My lovely sister inlaw and nephew are visiting from Ireland.
So we have been out and about doing the tourist trail.

Mr O and I also celebrated 15 years of marriage on Thursday.
It was wonderful to have my sister inlaw here to help us celebrate 
as she was last here when we tied the knot.

I have managed to squeeze in a little bit of sewing here and there 
getting ready for the Little Big market 
this Sunday.
 I will show you some pictures after Easter of my new cushions.

In the meantime as it is Easter time I thought I would
share with you some little ducks I made a few years ago for Master O.
They are not quiet as sweet as the real thing.

 I wish you all a happy and safe Easter.

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