Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Birds, Bunnies and Flowers

Recently I have been crazy busy filling shop orders and they have all been wanting 
the Birds, the Bunnies and the flowers.
Which is wonderful as I love sewing all these designs.

I read this beautiful quote by Tolstoy the other day.

I have been so busy that I have not had a lot of me time.
But this week two friends have been so kind to me.
One came and spent 3 hours just cutting leaf's for me and
another lovely friend took me out to lunch yesterday to
"Mondays" in Kingsland.

They were both really kind things to do and it made me realise
that I have been so busy that I have missed out on spending some 
great quality time with some of my lovely, kind friends.
Its time for me to pass on some kindness to the people in my life.

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