Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Last year I changed my diet and I started off with a detox.
There are a number of Detoxes out there and its hard to decide which one to do.
I did Juliette's 7 day Detox which I found on line:

I found this detox to be very straight forward and I ended up doing it for several weeks.
I now try 90% of the time to follow her principles.
The first few days of the detox I felt terrible I had headaches and mad cravings for sugar.
I even had to lay down on day 2 for a couple of hours as I felt so awful.
But by days 4 and 5 I was starting to feel great.
Not so stressed and I slept amazingly well.
If you are looking to detox I highly recommend Juliette's Detox Programme.

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