Friday, March 25, 2011


Master O has been quiet challenged on the knitting front.
He started to learn to knit around the middle of last year in his Handwork class at school.
By the end of the year his desk top had managed to accidentally land on and break 3 sets of knitting needles.
Master O was way behind his class mates with his knitting projects.
So this year I said we would do three rows of knitting an afternoon.
On Tuesday he came home very proud of his first knitted creation.
A bean bag for throwing at his mother!

We have now started on a Gnome. 
We started off by casting on 22 stitches. After 4 rows we some how had ended up with 44 stitches.
We are back to 22 but I think we still have a long road ahead of us.
But good on Master O he never gives up!

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