Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Right Now

People have been asking what am I working on right now :
I have made some more doll blankets.
I am washing some vintage sheets that I plan to cut up and make bunting for a party we are having this weekend.

Master O has decided he no longer needs his train table and Thomas trains (He is too old for them). So I was cleaning out his toy draws to find trains when I found these old finger puppets I had made him several years ago.

Master O was so excited and has been playing with them since. 
Some things you just never grow out of.

While all this is going on I am listening to Bebel Gilberto. 
Whose song "Samba Da Bencao" was in the sound track to the movie "Eat Pray Love". 
Heres the link if you want to check out her beautiful voice:

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