Thursday, June 23, 2011

Head Down

This last couple of weeks since I found out I have a spot at the Devonport Market I have been head down sewing away. 
I have been enjoying it, but I must admit fitting in sewing around my part time job and everything else has left me pleasantly exhausted at the end of each day. 
I am sleeping like a baby.
I spent last week making Hot water bottle covers and this week I have been making bags.
Here is a bag I just finished that has a lovely countryside theme with windmills going on inside.

Here's one I have just started working on. 
This is lovely material from a vintage table cloth that has never been used.


  1. So cool, best of luck with the Deveonport market, I am attending a small country Sunday market in Otane, so must get cracking, it was lovely to meet you last week. cheers Marie

  2. It was lovely to meet you too. All the best with your market.
