Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Right Now

 * The Long weekend is over and my house guests have left .  
    I am contemplating Housework!

* I am doing numerous loads of washing created by one muddy Rugby Player and a few guests

* One house guest has stayed the lovely "Bella" who we are dog sitting for a couple of weeks.
   Master O is in heaven. 

* I am cutting out Hottie Bottle covers, my blanket supply is shrinking (yippee).
I can see the back of my storage cupboard.

* I am happy that my niece loved the bag I made her for her birthday.

* I am loving this mild winter weather.

* I am looking forward to going to The Auckland Craft Fair this coming weekend with my girlfriends.
   Here is the link if you are keen to see some talented Crafters:

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