Sunday, July 31, 2011

This Moment

{this moment} - A Sunday ritual. A couple of  photo's - no words - capturing a moment from
the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause,
savor and remember.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Loving Right Now

I am loving having my niece to stay, she is the same age as Master O and they so enjoy each other.
I am also loving teaching them both some new sewing techniques.

I am loving the beautiful weather we have been getting that helps to make catching up 
with friends and 
there children in the country such a joy.
  (oh how these children grow so quickly sometimes).

Land boarding behind the gator

I am squeezing in sewing whenever I can.

Lovebirds everywhere

I am really loving this new book I just got from the library.
It has some great smoothie recipes.

Well I must go the kids are bouncing on my bed , my niece is keen to do some more sewing.
It must run it the blood!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Last Week

Last week started with a friends email to say that there seven year old had just been diagnosed with Muscular Dystrophy. 
I then had coffee with a friend who told me she had been diagnosed with 
Post Natal depression.
The next day another friends twelve year old ended up in hospital and they were diagnosed with Multiple sclerosis.

When our children are born if they have 10 fingers , 10 toes etc we assume everything will be fine with them and us.

Master O was born six weeks early and was in and out of hospital for the next 3 years before he was diagnosed with an immune condition. 
He is now a happy healthy little boy.

What got me through those first three years was the love  and support of my family, my friends 
and my faith in God.
One never knows what life will send our way.
I hope and pray I can be there for my friends.

This year I have a verse on display in my lounge.
Every time I read it, it gives me strength:
 I wish this for my friends at this time.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

This Moment

{this moment} - A Sunday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from
the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause,
savor and remember.


We are renovating the spare room in our 1920's house. 
Mr O has spent the last few days demolishing walls and ripping up carpet.
I have spent my time trying unsuccessfully to keep the dust and deb re out of the rest of my house.......................... , 
Scouring magazines for wardrobe and storage ideas.
Plus entertaining Master O when he is not help his father with the sledge hammer!

Taking off the walls has revealed all sorts of things were were surprised to find or never knew.
For example a history of where doors once were.
We have spent time trying to guess was this room once the laundry, the kitchen, the bathroom ...................who knows.

Here are a few pictures I have in my pile of ideas I like.

I must now pull my men away from the Tour de France and get them back to renovating!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Right Now

The sun is shinning 
My house is in an uproar as we are renovating our spare room, my craft room.  
I am now working out of a corner of my lounge, but oh when its finished my new spare room / craft space will be beautiful.
Master O is on school holidays, we are loving hanging out together.

Still sewing goes on.
Here are some picture's of a couple of new designs.
Mauve Tree
I love this new blankets colours.

Turquoise Tree
Scottie Dog
Purple Owl
I just got the great news that I have a spot at "Kraftbomb " on Sunday 31 July.
Its the day after Mr O's birthday so hopefully I am not too tired from celebrating the night before.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

This Moment

{this moment} - A Sunday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from
the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause,
savor and remember.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Tea for Two

My lovely friend who has been overseas is home. 
She bought me a beautiful present of some Cath Kidston pins. 
We spent the morning sewing and chatting. 
Which was lovely after a week of putting my house back together. 
We then popped out for a tea at "The Florentine Tearoom Cafe" 
at 51B Ranfurly Road, Epsom. 
What a great little place this is. 
We had Berrylicious tea and a  Florentine each before picking our children up for two weeks school holidays.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Big News

I should be tidying my house .....................I still have boxes everywhere.
But I had to stop to tell you my big news.
Last week I got the most wonderful invitation.
I have been invited along with nine other crafters to sell my wares at the 
"Hawkes Bay Baby and Child Show"
Here is the link:
I am just so excited. 
I have had a couple of sleepless nights planning in my head all the things I want to make.
I have been busy ordering more felt, more name labels, more wool fleece for stuffing and the list 
goes on...................and on.
Once my house is in order I can start sewing.
I am thinking I will start with some Bambi's.
Here's a few I made a couple of years ago for a friends shop in Zurich.

Monday, July 11, 2011


Here are some pictures of my stall on Saturday.
It was an enjoyable day with my friend Mandy by my side helping me out.

Its just a small post today as we just had carpet laid in the bedrooms of our 1920's house today.
My house is all upside down, but ooh it is so much warmer.
I am off to return it to order.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

This Moment

{this moment} - A Sunday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from
the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause,
savor and remember.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Tree of Love

I am once again madly sewing away. 
I woke early yesterday morning with a bolt of inspiration.
I was sewing away at 6am while Master O was still sleeping.
When he did arise he looked at me like I was a little mad and asked me if I was all right.
So I thought I would just show you a couple of pictures for some of the new Hottie Bottle Covers I am doing.
Love Tree with Bluebells

Green Faintail
Another Tree of Love

Monday, July 4, 2011


 I had a lovely time at the Devonport Craft Market yesterday.
I met some great people, I was given some wonderful advise by other sellers, and I nearly sold out of Hot Water Bottle Covers!
This Saturday I am of to another market :
The Titirangi Mums Market
This market takes place on the second Saturday of each month, 10 to 2pm at Kaurilands School Hall (109 Atkinson Rd, Titirangi).
It's a market that I have never been too so I am not sure what it will be like.
It's an adventure......................that's what life is all about.
 One sunny day last week I took a couple of pictures of a few of things I have been making.
With my love of green I just had to make a little Green Elephant.

Here's another bag that I finished up in pinks and greens.

As Winnie the pooh used to say TTFN
(Ta ta for now..........................................)

Sunday, July 3, 2011

This Moment

{this moment} - A Sunday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from
the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause,
savor and remember.

Friday, July 1, 2011


Making all these hair clips and bags covered in flowers has made me think. 
What are my favourite Flowers? 
I am still not sure................................................
My sister Gabrielle's favourite flowers are Peonies and when you look at this  picture you can see why.

This latest bag has beautiful rich red roses on the fabric.

See you Sunday.