Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Big News

I should be tidying my house .....................I still have boxes everywhere.
But I had to stop to tell you my big news.
Last week I got the most wonderful invitation.
I have been invited along with nine other crafters to sell my wares at the 
"Hawkes Bay Baby and Child Show"
Here is the link:
I am just so excited. 
I have had a couple of sleepless nights planning in my head all the things I want to make.
I have been busy ordering more felt, more name labels, more wool fleece for stuffing and the list 
goes on...................and on.
Once my house is in order I can start sewing.
I am thinking I will start with some Bambi's.
Here's a few I made a couple of years ago for a friends shop in Zurich.

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