Monday, August 8, 2011


I had a lovely surprise yesterday.  
I found out that I got a mention on a beautiful blog called "Mermaids Purse" by Angela
Here is the link if you want to take a peak you need to scroll down to the 5th of August entry:
Thank you Angela

On Friday Master O and I popped into out local Op Shop, 
Master O found a great buy.
This beautiful box full of sewing goodness. I just love the vintage wooden cotton reels.

Everytime I think I am getting on top of my sewing I think of more things I need to do.
It seems daunting at the moment but I think if I keep ploddding on I will get there
in the end.
Here are a few pictures of things I made this past week.

More Raindow Elephants
Mr Scottie Dog
Hiawatha Headbands
More Hiawatha Headbands
I must go its time for Master O's guitar lesson.

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