Monday, October 31, 2011

Right Now

I had the most wonderful day at the Titirangi Market yesterday with my lovely helper Gina.
  We meet some great people, the sun was shinning and everyone was in a happy mood.
Owls and Mistletoe Pixies went out the door to new homes some as far as Africa and England.

I had some great news on Saturday one of my Blue Rabbits and a Grey Scottie Dog made it into a photo shoot for Good Magazine.
Thanks to the lovely ladies at Good Magazine you made my day.

Last night after Master O had gone to bed and Mr O was still working away on the renovation of our spare room/ Craft room I did a bout of dying for all the sewing I need to do this week.
This Saturday 5 November I will be at Michael Park School Fair  (a most awesome fair indeed) and on Sunday 6 November at Devonport Craft Market. 
My sewing fingers will be busy this week.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

This Moment

{this moment} - A Sunday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from
the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause,
savor and remember.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Right Now

Master O went back to school on Wednesday so life is slowly getting 
back into a routine.
We spent our last holiday day together gardening. 
We had such fun choosing plants for our garden.
I learnt that Master O loves Silverbeet.

I would love to say that I am making something new and exciting but the truth is I am madly stocking up on Special Hearts, Hair clips, Hiawatha Headbands, Mistletoe Pixies and so on.
So I have nothing new to show you.
I am reading a great book by Amanda Blake Soule called 
"The Rhythm of the Family"
which I can highly recommend.

And just to finish off so we all get our craft fix. 
Here are some pictures of three cute little Ducks that I made for a friend in Zurich a few years ago. They were quiet tricky to make and I don't know that I will ever do them again. 
But they sure are cute. I found the pattern in a vintage soft toy book.

 Have a wonderful weekend.
I am having a stall at the Titirangi Artisan Market this Sunday 
if anyone wants to come and say hello.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

This Moment

{this moment} - A Sunday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from
the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause,
savor and remember.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Chocolate Nut Slice

As some of you know I am trying to cut Wheat, Meat, Dairy 
and Processed sugars out of my diet. 
I think I succeed 70-80% of the time.
This week a friend gave me a lovely recipe that had been passed to her by a friend 
so I am passing it on to you as it is truly yummy.

Chocolate Nut Slice

In food processor chop

3 cups nuts and seeds (soaked and dehydrated if you want…) until fine – or coarse, your choice then remove and put in bowl for later. 
I used 2 cups of Almonds plus 1/4 cup Linseed's, 1/4 cup Sunflower seeds, 1/4 cup Pumpkin seeds, 1/4 cups Sesame seeds. 
You can use any combination

In processor put :

200g dates

1 c coconut

½-3/4  tsp salt depending on taste (3/4 works for me!)

and process till well chopped up

add (this stuff below I put in saucepan and warm till it blends then add it to the above stuff)

1tsp vanilla

5tb honey (or leave out and add some stevia)

5tb coconut oil – or I use a combination of coconut oil, flax seed oil, red palm oil and cocoa butter to keep it firm

3 tablespoons of cocoa or you can use almond butter if you don’t want cocoa.

Optional – I add might add kelp, maca powder or any other goodies. 

Once well combined add the nuts and seeds

Once all combined you can add ½ c raisins at the end but only process enough to mix through not to chop up

Press into container and leave to set. ( I leave mine in the fridge)

On the sewing front I have been working on Pixie Shoes and Hiawatha Headbands 
plus doing a bit of dying.
I just love the colours that I dyed yesterday.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Right Now

It was my birthday yesterday and my friends and family all spoiled me.
I felt most blessed.
Last week my beautiful niece Miss M came to stay. 
I tried to get a lovely shot of her and Master O together. 
Here is what I got:

In amongst child minding, day trips, muffin making, board games etc 
I made a few more Owls.

Monday, October 17, 2011

This Moment

{this moment} - A Sunday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from
the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause,
savor and remember.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Mistletoe Pixies

 I ordered from "Winterwood" in Australia some Pixie Bases in late August. 
They took a month to come as they were out of stock but once they came I was over joyed.
This week I started with Mistletoe Pixies.

Here is what the base looks like:

I had planned to take some lovely pictures of them in the garden but unfortunately it has 
rained the last few days.
  The Pixies are all off to market this weekend so I had to take pictures of 
them in the sewing room before they hopefully find new homes.

Red and Purple Shade Pixies

Blue/ Green/ Mandarin and Cream Shade Pixies
The whole Mistletoe Pixie Family
I just added this picture because I liked it.  
These little Mistletoe Pixies can stand on there own or they have a string loop attached to there hats so that they can hang from a tree.

Three years ago we started the tradition of the Handmade Christmas Tree in our home.
Everything that goes on our Christmas Tree (apart from the lights) 
has to be handmade............................not all by me..........thankfully.

We do 24 Advent bags and each day leading up to Christmas Master O opens a bag with a new decoration inside.

 I will tell you more about this at the beginning of November
(once school holidays are over)
You might want to join us and start your own hand made Christmas Tree.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

School Holidays

School Holidays started yesterday.
Master O has two and a half weeks off which he was really ready for, me too.
The first day of school holidays we always call our " Moochi Day", we slept in and had a late breakfast got dressed late and stayed home all day. 
It was wonderful not to have to rush or be anywhere.

Master O and I ventured into the sewing room  for a little while.
We chatted away while I sewed and he created
Lego masterpieces.

A lovely lady bought four of my Owls and an Owl Heart off of my Felt site on Sunday.
She was keen for some more Hearts with Owls on them for her 
Christmas Tree so that's what I sewed yesterday.

Here are a few for you to see:

Sunday, October 9, 2011

This Moment

{this moment} - A Sunday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from
the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause,
savor and remember.

Friday, October 7, 2011


This week I made some more little bags.
For a change I lined them with thin wool blend felt.
I called them "Summer in the garden bags"
I would love to show you my work room but we are still renovating, the walls are painted and the skirting boards are on, the carpet is down, but we still have cupboard doors  and door and window frames to we are close. So I wont show you my work space just yet but I will show you images from the work room that lead up to the "Summer in the garden bags creation".................enjoy.

First the fabric

Then the felt

Then the Threads
Then the buttons

It is so wonderful that the rain is leaving us, the sun is shinning, the daisy's are out and 
I can take pictures of my creations outside in the sunshine.
Have a wonderful weekend.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


I have spent the last few days making Hearts. 
On Sunday at the Devonport market they were getting snapped up 
as ideal presents to send to friends overseas.
My most popular design is the "Heart and Vine" theme, I decided to make a few with the Hearts in different colours other than red this time to see how they go.
Not too sure how I feel about the Black heart?

I also decided to do "The Love Tree" on a few, here's a couple for you to see

I finished with a few "Lovebirds"

I am going to a market I have never done before tomorrow night with my girlfriend Gina.
I am quiet excited to do a night market.

And now to finish my post on something random
My inspiration comes from everywhere......I just love colour.
I saw these beautiful vintage cups on Etsy the other day.
I love the colours and of course the heart on the side.
I now have new ideas flying round my head.

Have a wonderful day.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Right Now

Right Now today it is my blogs 8 month birthday. 
I cannot believe how much fun and enjoyment I get out of doing this blog. 
Thanks for stopping in and for your kind feedback.
Between now and Christmas I have 4 or 5 markets a month so my sewing fingers are busy.
Last week I finished off some more Mushroom Ladies. 
The lady with the red hat found a new home yesterday with a Grandmother who bought 
Miss Mushroom for her grand daughter. 
The lady with the green hat is sitting in my online shop looking for a new home, 
she is prepared to travel worldwide.

I made a few more Hiawatha Headbands.
Which Master O kindly modelled for me.

Then I finished the week with some 3 inch Pixie Shoes .

This week I think it is Hearts and Bags, 
I will keep you posted.