Wednesday, October 5, 2011


I have spent the last few days making Hearts. 
On Sunday at the Devonport market they were getting snapped up 
as ideal presents to send to friends overseas.
My most popular design is the "Heart and Vine" theme, I decided to make a few with the Hearts in different colours other than red this time to see how they go.
Not too sure how I feel about the Black heart?

I also decided to do "The Love Tree" on a few, here's a couple for you to see

I finished with a few "Lovebirds"

I am going to a market I have never done before tomorrow night with my girlfriend Gina.
I am quiet excited to do a night market.

And now to finish my post on something random
My inspiration comes from everywhere......I just love colour.
I saw these beautiful vintage cups on Etsy the other day.
I love the colours and of course the heart on the side.
I now have new ideas flying round my head.

Have a wonderful day.

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