Monday, November 21, 2011

Handmade Christmas Tree

Several years ago now I went to a talk about what traditions you would like to put in place for your family at Christmas.
Chances are both you and your partner had different family traditions growing up.
Mr O and I talked about this and one of the traditions we started was the 
Handmade Christmas Tree.
I made 24 Advent bags, each bag is numbered 1 to 24 and they live in a basket
on our side board.
In each bag is a handmade Christmas decoration. 
I made them all myself  the first year which was a big mission. 
So after the first year I opened up my criterion and I bought handmade
decorations off of other crafters as well as making my own. 
One of my favourite Crafters is Helmi Thompson from Woodlands Enchanted:

Every morning on the 24 days leading up to Christmas Master O opens the 
correct numbered Advent bag and gets a new decoration to go on the tree.
We often don't get our tree till around the 10th of December so the new decorations sit around the basket waiting for the tree to arrive.

Master O loves this tradition.

Last year we stayed with friends for a week in December while our floors were 
being sanded and polished.
I took the basket with Advent bags with me to my friends house and every morning 
I had 3 little boys come ask me can we open a bag now and see what decoration we get today.
I love this tradition it is so much better than Advent Calenders full of chocolate.
Maybe you to would like to start doing this too.