Sunday, September 30, 2012

This Moment

 {this moment} - A Sunday ritual. A single  photo - no words - capturing a moment from
the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. 
A moment I want to pause,
savor and remember.

Friday, September 28, 2012


This week I found a lovely 100% pure wool sage blanket.
It was so lovely I struggled at first to cut it up.
But my creative juices over took me and away I went.
I am terribly short of Hotwater Bottle covers coming into this busy season
so I made a cover and a matching purse.

My little old camera really does not do the lovely sage green justice.

One of my favourite blogs is by
she is one truly talented lady.

Today on her blog she had this verse by Rebekah Joy Plett.
 I am sure it will resonate with all those people who create beautiful hand made creations plus all those people who love, buy and appreciate handmade goods.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


I found a wonderful book recently
that is helping me with my house keeping.
My bath is now looking lovely and sparkly

I use a lot of white vinegar in my dying, and now I have found several more uses
for my white vinegar. 
I highly recommend that you take a peak at this book.

This week I have been doing some dying
 and stocking up on all the little bits and pieces that I need for the busy season ahead.

I love using a variety of different coloured threads.
About a year ago a lovely lady called Helene who has a market stall gave me 
three balls of her thread to try. 
Helene hand dyes her threads mostly for knitting but she has a few for sewing.
I have been hooked on her threads ever since.
Helene's business is called

Look at this lovely yarn it goes perfectly with the new colours I have just dyed.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

This Moment

{this moment} - A Sunday ritual. A single  photo - no words - capturing a moment from
the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. 

A moment I want to pause,
savor and remember.

Friday, September 21, 2012

The Little White Box

No markets for me this weekend.

So I thought I would share what my friend Renee from 

"The Little White Box"

 has been up to. 

If you get a chance do go check out her work at

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Natural Resources

Recently when I was in the Bay of Plenty
I met two ladies that run a child care centre.
There centre has a lovely list of virtues:
One of there virtues is the appreciation of natural resources.
With that in mind they asked me to make them a few things.

 Lovebirds in Baskets

They asked for a Coral Mushroom Pixie which I had not made before.
I think she looks rather sweet.

Pixies in shades of Pink and Purple

I enjoyed making these creations,.
Just knowing that soon some little people will be having 
imaginative play with them
brings me great joy.

Monday, September 17, 2012


Its a day for Lovebirds today.

I have Lovebird Purses in all different colours.
I have just put them in my
Online Shop along with a number of other designs.

I had a huge weekend thank you to all those people who purchased one of my creations.
All my Hydrangea Purses have gone so I shall work on some more this week.
In the mean time here's some Lovebirds.

Thursday, September 13, 2012


As you all know I love colour.
I am not a true lover of purple.
Whoever certain shades of purple when mixed with the right colours can look beautiful.
You see it all the time in nature.
Just beautiful.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


 I have been working with
 this beautiful blanket that is shades of brown and grey.
"Stone" is what I am calling it.
It makes a lovely back drop for the Woodland Series.

Along came a new Mr Fox

The stone even looks great with a Hydrangea on it!

I love the lining I found to go with it.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


As some of you may know the Little Craft Store is closing there bricks and mortar store, luckily they will still be selling there wonderful products online.
Because of this my pixie making classes that were to be held there have been canceled.
The good news is I have found a new venue.

On Wednesday the 10th of October from 7 to 9pm I will take a Pixie making class at the Grey Lynn Community Centre in the Oval room.
The cost will be $45.00 and will include
all the supplies.

You will just need to bring needles, pins and scissors.

If you would like to do this class can you please email me on:

If you have a preference as to what colour pixie you wish to make can you please let me know in your email.

The Oval Room is nice and cosy so there will be a limit of 15 spaces for this class. 
Master O's school fair is coming up and each family in his class has to make 30 things for the $2.00 Lucky Dip.
I thought about sewing some creations and decided I needed to do something that Master O would enjoy doing too.
Yesterday Master O's school was shut for the day due to a bereavement.
So we decided to make 30 note books which we hand stamped with a Pixie, plus 2 gift tags per pack that we stamped with Pixies and Butterfly's. 
With 30 pieces of  twine to hang the gift tags on and 30 pencils.
Here is our production line for you to see.

Front of Packs

Back of Packs

We had such fun.
I hope these packs make some little peoples days.

Friday, September 7, 2012


A big change happened in my life this week.
For nearly 20 years I have worked for the same company.
For the last nine years I have worked for them part time from home.
This week I took voluntary redundancy.

In my heart I know this is absolutely the right thing to have done.
But today the first day of unemployment I am feeling a little like a lost bird.

I have some big decisions ahead.
Do I find another part time job or do I pour my heart and soul into 
"Adventures of Alex O & Co" and take it to the next level.

There's a bit of soul searching ahead.
Which I know is always good for one.

I have a big Art Show coming up called
I have to drop my wares off to them this weekend 
for the show on the 14th to 16th of September.
So I have been sewing away.
Here is a peak at a few creations.

Woodland Purses

Orange Pixies are proving to be very popular so I am stocking up on them.

Hydrangea Purses are also proving popular which is great as I love making them.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012


Spring is here and the weather sure was beautiful for our 
road trip to Mt Maunganui.
All four of us had a great time and we met some 
wonderful people from the Bay of Plenty.

I am a bit wigged out with it being Spring and Christmas not being far away.
Thinking of all the markets and events I have coming up
it is a bit daunting when I ponder on all the sewing I must do!
So it is head down for me.
This week I am sewing purses as I am running very low.
I am still working away on my Woodland themed purses.

Here's a peak for you.