Tuesday, September 25, 2012


I found a wonderful book recently
that is helping me with my house keeping.
My bath is now looking lovely and sparkly

I use a lot of white vinegar in my dying, and now I have found several more uses
for my white vinegar. 
I highly recommend that you take a peak at this book.

This week I have been doing some dying
 and stocking up on all the little bits and pieces that I need for the busy season ahead.

I love using a variety of different coloured threads.
About a year ago a lovely lady called Helene who has a market stall gave me 
three balls of her thread to try. 
Helene hand dyes her threads mostly for knitting but she has a few for sewing.
I have been hooked on her threads ever since.
Helene's business is called

Look at this lovely yarn it goes perfectly with the new colours I have just dyed.

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