Friday, December 20, 2013

Last Market for 2013

Tomorrow I have my last market for 2013.
I go into this market with a happy sad feeling.
Happy because after this market I am on holiday.
Sad because I am not sure when my next market will be.
I think I am going to take a break from markets for a while.
Whether for 3 months, 6 months or longer only time will tell.

This year because we are going away from home for Christmas we
have not fully decorated our house or even got a real tree.
I thought I would share with you snippets of what we do have.

Master O's Advent Bag Basket.

The empty Advent bags around the base of the tree.

Master O's stocking.

This year I made Master O a ceramic star to go in one of his Advent bags.
I have always called him my "Angel Baby" even though now he is eleven!

I just had to give him this decoration from 

This lovely ceramic bunting was a present I received last year from the

I would like to thank you all for taking the time to read my blog, 
for letting me share with you my crafty lifestyle.

To all those people that have bought one of my creations 
Thank you so much.
It is so heart warming to know that my creations are out there somewhere 
in the world bringing Joy to others.

I wish all of you and your families a very Merry Christmas.

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