Friday, December 20, 2013

Last Market for 2013

Tomorrow I have my last market for 2013.
I go into this market with a happy sad feeling.
Happy because after this market I am on holiday.
Sad because I am not sure when my next market will be.
I think I am going to take a break from markets for a while.
Whether for 3 months, 6 months or longer only time will tell.

This year because we are going away from home for Christmas we
have not fully decorated our house or even got a real tree.
I thought I would share with you snippets of what we do have.

Master O's Advent Bag Basket.

The empty Advent bags around the base of the tree.

Master O's stocking.

This year I made Master O a ceramic star to go in one of his Advent bags.
I have always called him my "Angel Baby" even though now he is eleven!

I just had to give him this decoration from 

This lovely ceramic bunting was a present I received last year from the

I would like to thank you all for taking the time to read my blog, 
for letting me share with you my crafty lifestyle.

To all those people that have bought one of my creations 
Thank you so much.
It is so heart warming to know that my creations are out there somewhere 
in the world bringing Joy to others.

I wish all of you and your families a very Merry Christmas.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Little Birds

A few weeks ago I got together with some of my crafty friends
for a Christmas Lunch and Ceramic making (as you do).
The lovely Renee from The Little White Box
hosted this fine day.

I have always had a thing for little birds, 
you see them pop up on my creations every so often. 
So I just had to paint one on a Christmas star.

My little bird inspired Lizzie from
to paint us all a beautiful Robin each.

These little birds made me want to sew some more birds.
So here are my first "Lovebird" Ipad Cases.

Who scares away the birds ?
Why Mr Scottie Dog of course!

I tried something new with some of these cases.
They are one colour on the front and then a beautiful grey on the back.

Monday, November 18, 2013

In my Garden

Some of you may remember that last summer
my boys built us a couple of beautiful raised garden beds.
This morning I went up the garden and found a group of
Pixies with their mother enjoying the beautiful sunny weather.



Thursday, November 14, 2013

Little Bits

Yesterday I found a beautiful dusky pink blanket in one of my favourite Op Shops.
 I often end up with little bits of felt left over and I absolutely hate waste.
So today I made a couple of purses using some of those left over bits of felt that I hate to waste.
 What do you think ?

I have a big three days ahead of me and these two new purses will be coming with me.
Hopefully they find a new home at one of these markets.

Piako Fete
15 November
Dalton Plantation
280 Hinuera Road
Crafternoon Tea
10am - 2pm
Saturday 16 November
Trinity Methodist Church Hall
400 New North Road

Devonport Craft Market10am - 2pm
Sunday 17 November
Devonport Community House
32 Clarence Street

Friday, November 8, 2013

Michael Park School Fair

Tomorrow it is the Michael Park School Fair.
I just love doing this fair.

Where magic happens...55 Amy St Ellerslie on Saturday 9th November 2013 9.30 - 3.30pm....simply not your average fair
Walk through time to the fair in the field, let your senses dance to the sounds, tastes and sites of children's laughter, organic food, live music, fun activities and a multitude of bespoke craft.

Here is a little peak at some of the creations I will have with me.

Cushions and Ipad Cases

Hessian Flower Bags

Mushroom and Mistletoe Pixies

These beautiful Gnomes are made by my friend Tuncay and I will have them on my stall
this Christmas season.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Labour Weekend

This is where I will be this Labour weekend.
Where will you be ?

Friday, October 18, 2013


Part of the fun of making my Purses and Ipad Cases 
is choosing the beautiful fabrics to go inside them.

One of my favourite fabric design companies is
Monaluna is a textile & surface design company producing fresh, 
modern prints & organic cotton fabric.

When I discovered them a few years ago I contacted them 
to see if they had a stockist in New Zealand.
Luckily for us they do, it is

Owl and Hedgehog is run by the lovely Steph who is based in sunny Tauranga. 
Steph stocks a selection of the Monaluna fabrics.

I can tell you that these fabrics are just a joy to work with.
They are top quality. 

Here is one of my Ipad Cases with Monaluna fabric lining for you to see.

Groovy Lotus by Monaluna

I just recently bought some of the 
Modern Home collection which I am looking forward to working with this coming week.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Where has she been?

I must apologise these school holidays have just run away on me.
We had family to stay and then Mr O took me away up North for 3 days.
In amongst it all my sewing basket was by my side and
I have been busily making Pixies , covers for Purses and Ipad cases.
Once I get my act together I will show you some pictures.

In the meantime here are a few pictures on my day trip to Keri Keri
and the lovely Stone Store and Kemp House.

Here I am all rugged up looking back at Kemp House.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Mushroom Houses

This week I have been working on Mushroom House
Ipad cases and purses.

Each Case or  Purse is lined with a themed Mushroom Fabric

Unfortunately they are not loaded in my online store just yet. 
Hopefully early next week they will all be in the store.

In the meantime they are coming with me to tomorrow's

Thursday, September 26, 2013

The Owls are back in town....................hoot hoot!

Every year due to popular demand
I do a range of Owl purses.

This years Owl Purse's have just been finished.

I must confess I really enjoyed making these wise, colourful owls.

They are now all loaded in my online store


Wednesday, September 18, 2013


Last years Pixie making class was so successful that I have decided to do another one this year with help from my lovely friend Kate.

The details are:
Thursday the 24th of October from 7 to 9pm I will take a Pixie making class at the Grey Lynn Community Centre in the Oval room.
The cost will be $45.00 and will include all the supplies.
All you will need to bring is scissors.

Do not worry if you have very basic sewing skills. 
The lovely Kate will sit with the first time sewers to  help provide any extra guidance needed.

If you would like to do this class can you please email me to book a spot on:

If you have a preference as to what colour pixie you wish to make can you please let me know in your email. You can do pretty much any colour in the rainbow. 
I will have extra colours cut out on the night if you want to change your chosen colour. 
This is just a guide to help me cut out as many of the right colour shades as possible.

The Oval Room is nice and cosy so there will be a limit of 15 spaces for this class. 
Please note I will only be doing the one class this year, so do get in quick.


Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Art Fusion

I have spent the last few weeks working
on designs for "Art Fusion"

I feel that I have made some of my nicest cushions.
I dropped them all off at Art Fusion on Sunday.

The lovely ladies from Carmel Collage are now getting everything ready for the 
big weekend this weekend.
They have some work by amazing artists and crafters.

So if you live in Auckland and are free do go take a peak,
you will see some beautiful things.
It is a gold coin donation to go on Saturday or Sunday.

Here are all the details.

Here are some pictures of a few of the cushions.