Saturday, February 22, 2014

Hearts and Vines

Well our bathroom adventure still goes on.
We are at day 27 of no bathroom.
Light is however at the end of the tunnel and we only have days to go now.
I am so excited.

Around all the chaos I have been working some more on my new range

"Hearts and Vines" 

I decided to add some rabbits in for a bit of fun.

 Ipad Cases

Mini Ipad or Kindle Case

These new designs are all loaded in my online store.
More of them will be at next weeks art show

Thursday, February 13, 2014

What was I thinking!

So it has been 18 days without a shower in my house.
We have been showering at the neighbours, at the local pools and
we went camping for 5 days.

In amongst the chaos of having ones house in an upheaval whilst renovating,
plus going back to teaching part time, and filling orders for shops.
I thought it would be a good idea to start a juice detox.

With headaches for two days and no shower at home to relax in.
With my juicer deciding it needed a little fixing as it started to leak into the motor.
I decided that the universe was telling me 

"Now is not a good time to be doing this!"

So I just had to listen and go and buy myself a feel better chocolate bar.
I will share my juicing journey when I get there (and the time is right)
sometime this year.

One of my lovely stockist "The Petal Store"  in Christchurch
is going to have a stall at the "Ellerslie Garden show".
For the last two years they have won gold medals for there stall display.
So I feel very honoured that they wanted to stock some of my designs
on there stall this year.
Here is a sneak peak at some of the designs I worked on for them:

While I sew I listen to music and TED Talks.

I am just loving this  John Mayer version of "Free Falling" at the moment.

Have a wonderful week and Valentines day.