Thursday, February 13, 2014

What was I thinking!

So it has been 18 days without a shower in my house.
We have been showering at the neighbours, at the local pools and
we went camping for 5 days.

In amongst the chaos of having ones house in an upheaval whilst renovating,
plus going back to teaching part time, and filling orders for shops.
I thought it would be a good idea to start a juice detox.

With headaches for two days and no shower at home to relax in.
With my juicer deciding it needed a little fixing as it started to leak into the motor.
I decided that the universe was telling me 

"Now is not a good time to be doing this!"

So I just had to listen and go and buy myself a feel better chocolate bar.
I will share my juicing journey when I get there (and the time is right)
sometime this year.

One of my lovely stockist "The Petal Store"  in Christchurch
is going to have a stall at the "Ellerslie Garden show".
For the last two years they have won gold medals for there stall display.
So I feel very honoured that they wanted to stock some of my designs
on there stall this year.
Here is a sneak peak at some of the designs I worked on for them:

While I sew I listen to music and TED Talks.

I am just loving this  John Mayer version of "Free Falling" at the moment.

Have a wonderful week and Valentines day.


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