Thursday, March 13, 2014

Do you ever wonder who has influenced or inspired you................without you maybe even realising.

When I was at university many moons ago I 
did a Bachelors degree in Art History.
When we came to study Frida Kahlo
I absolutely loved, was fascinated and at times disturbed by her 
and her work (as are many people).

Several years later I worked part time in a restaurant up on Ponsonby Rd in Auckland
that was dedicated to all things about Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera.
It was a fun, beautiful place to work.

I came across this verse by Frida recently.

Nothing is absolute,
everything changes,
everything moves,
everything revolutionizes,
all flies and goes.

This sits well with me and my year of change.

It also made me think throughout my life Frida Kahlo and her work
have popped into my life.
How has Frida Kahlo influenced me and my work, 
my life without me even thinking about it ?

Laughter, love, friendship, beauty.
 "Nothing is worth more than laughter" ~ Frida Kahlo

Here she looks so beautiful you almost miss that her earrings are little hands!

Is she not just stunning!

Have you been influenced by her?
Maybe in your dress sense, your love of beautiful things, flowers, jewellery,
art works, written word.
Frida is long gone but she is still influencing people today.

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