Sunday, September 28, 2014

New Shades

I experimented this week with different colour shades
mixed in with a bit of cream and green.

I am pretty happy with the outcome.
Both Ipad Cases have already found new homes.

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Little Rabbits

Its all about the
"The Little Rabbits"
at the moment

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Little Bird

Recently I have been so busy with shop orders that I have
had to squeeze in new design works here and there.
So I apologise for not having anything new to show you lately.

I have always since I started sewing loved doing bird designs.
So I started this new design as a "Little Black Bird" range
which I really liked. 
However Master O felt I should make some other coloured birds too. 
So he choose the colours for the orange and green bird.
It is a lovely sunny day today so I quickly took some pictures of my new
"Little Bird" range.
What do you think ?

With Christmas coming I have also been working on my "Special Hearts" range for 2014.
I love doing these hearts as I get to do a lot of free hand embroidery.

I have also been working on this years "Pixies"

I will try over the next week to load my new designs in my online store.