Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Little Bird

Recently I have been so busy with shop orders that I have
had to squeeze in new design works here and there.
So I apologise for not having anything new to show you lately.

I have always since I started sewing loved doing bird designs.
So I started this new design as a "Little Black Bird" range
which I really liked. 
However Master O felt I should make some other coloured birds too. 
So he choose the colours for the orange and green bird.
It is a lovely sunny day today so I quickly took some pictures of my new
"Little Bird" range.
What do you think ?

With Christmas coming I have also been working on my "Special Hearts" range for 2014.
I love doing these hearts as I get to do a lot of free hand embroidery.

I have also been working on this years "Pixies"

I will try over the next week to load my new designs in my online store.

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