Wednesday, May 4, 2016


Suddenly I realized it has been 6 and a 1/2 months since I lasted blogged.
This year I made the decision to spread my energy around in to a few other areas as well as 
Adventures of Alex O.
This blog started as a lifestyle blog about the adventures of a crafty person so I thought I would share
what I have been up too since November!

 New Rabbit Purse design from November/December 2015

Christmas 2015 was the busiest time my business has ever had which is wonderful.
However I did come out the other side of it exhausted.

I came up with a new saying for 2016


This year my dreams are not so much about my crafty business but more about my life.
Three of my friends are battling cancer right now.
This makes you take stock and look at your own life, your health your priorities.

I decided to throw myself into being 100% Paleo. I had been dabbling with Paleo for about 18 months but I never fully committed. So I signed up for a 10 week Paleo Challenge. I am now in week 11 and I feel amazing and I have said goodbye to 7kgs. I think Paleo is the new me, I have no plans to stop this way of eating.

I decided to do more exercise. I now walk Lucca (my dog) 3 kilometer's 4 days a week. I joined a woman's fitness group and go to the gym 2 to 3 times a week. 
I have also organized  with a friend a Women's Netball team that starts in 11 days time (I am a little scared as I have not played since my school days!).

I bought myself some wonderful motivational t-shirts to help keep me focused.

It all seems to be working and I feel much happier in myself for it.

New Inscet Purses from  February/March 2016
My lovely old lady of a house needed a makeover on the outside. Mr O is away overseas with work alot at the moment so I have been overseeing this make over. I have had Builders, Painters, Roofers, The Shingle man all working on her.
This is what she looked like a few weeks ago, she is getting stripped right back to her bones.
This is a wonderful thing to be doing, it is however a slow process. We are up to week 11 and the guys are just finishing off the last of the stripping and starting to put undercoat on. I cannot wait till she is fully restored to her glory.

I have some more dreams for this year that I am starting to work on. I will share them with you when they start coming to fruition.

I am still working away making new designs, stocking shops and taking customer orders. 
But because of these other projects I have less time for social media.
 I am still here just maybe not as present online!

Do you have Dreams for this year ?
If so are you working towards achieving them.