Wednesday, March 28, 2012

New Venture

For some time now I have been thinking of doing some framed fibre art work 
using old blankets and felt.
The lovely Renee from The Little White Box got me four picture frames,
  they have been sitting in the corner of my work room..............looking at me!

I was lacking inspiration and also thinking can I really do this.

Last night inspiration came to me and here is a little peak at the series I am calling 
"Blanket Love"

Tuesday, March 27, 2012


My parents came to visit last week.
On Friday my mother and I had an op shopping day.
I got two beautiful new blankets in pink and purple shades to add to my collection.
I keep thinking that the blanket pile in the cupboard will shrink but no matter
how much I try it never seems to.

Whilst Op Shopping I found this wonderful queen Duvet Cover made by
Household Linens for $7.99.
It was in beautiful condition (lovely thick 100% cotton fabric).
I thought it would look lovely on Master O's king single bed.
Unforunately it was too big and it did not have any pillow case's.
My mother (the wise woman that she is) pointed out that I could cut it down
to a king single and use the left over fabric for pillow cases.
So today that is what I did.

I am really please with the outcome.

This was all the fabric that I had left.

It was a tight squeeze but I made it.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Its been a while......................

It has been a while since I made any bags.
I sold all my bags at Christmas time at the Auckland Arts and Crafts Fair.

I had one sitting half finished in a basket.
So on Monday I felt like doing something new so I dragged it out.
I just love these colours of red, turquoise, green and white.
 I used the last of this lovely vintage table cloth to line the bag and make some of the flowers.

And here to finish off are a couple of my love birds hanging on my 
display tree at the market in the weekend.

They just happen to be the same colours as the bag.
Have a wonderful day.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Wedding Anniversary

Today is my Wedding Anniversary.
14 years ago today I became Mrs O.
I wish I could say I slept in and got breakfast in bed...............but no. 
I was up at 5.55am logged onto the computer madly trying to get my 
son into his swim class for next term as registration started at 6am.
Even then I did not get my first choice of class.
Mr O gave me a beautiful bunch of  Lizzie Anthers (My favourite Flower) 
and made me a herbal tea and I made it through the swimming ordeal!
This weekend to celebrate we are off on an adult only retreat 
while Master O hangs out with his grandparents. 
I am most excited.

I read  this the other day and I have been saving to it to share with Mr O 
(My perfect man) and my blog readers on this day.

Monday, March 19, 2012

This Moment

{this moment} - A Sunday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from
the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause,
savor and remember.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Jason Shon Bennett

Two and a bit years ago Mr O and I went to one of Jason Shon Bennnetts talks. 
We walked out with different views from when we went in.

Now two years on we eat completely differently.
We are happier, healthier and thinner for it!

I highly recommend hearing Jason talk .

He is now touring New Zealand and Melbourne.
If  you want to find out more look here.

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Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Last Thursday evening I had my Felt Easter Decoration Workshop at the 
It was a really lovely evening. 
We made felt Easter baskets in rainbow colours.

This week I am making more Hot water Bottle Covers.
I was suddenly down to only five covers.
I am still working away on different Owl designs:

Sad Owl

Startled Owl

Inquisitive Owl
I am having alot of fun with these Owls.
The sun is shining here so I am off to have a fruit smoothie in the sun.
Enjoy your day.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

This Moment

{this moment} - A Sunday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from
the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause,
savor and remember.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Keep Calm

I saw this the other day

I must confess I do find that whatever is happening around me it is always
 a nice escape to sit down and write a blog exert.

Today I made some more purses as they are just
walking out the door.

This lovely lining inspired the colours for the outside birds.
I am drawn to summer colours still.
I think I am in denial that Autumn is here,
 even though it is raining and I am wearing jeans!

Monday, March 5, 2012

Red & Cream

I just love this Red and Cream Blanket.
It was a wonderful find at the OP Shop.
They wanted $25.00 for it but it had a few stains so they
 sold it to me for $15.00 .
Napi San managed to get most of the stains out.
I have made several Hot Water Bottle Covers and Purses out of it.
I made my last Hot water Bottle Cover out of it last week.
So I decided to make a set and do a matching Purse.
I added a ribbon with spots and a lining with spots.

Mr Hottie has already found a new home.
The purse is for sale in my online shop.

Last week I got my new labels.
I am so very happy with them.
They come from Fancy Weaver who live in Hong Kong.
They will ship anywhere in the world for free.
 You can get 250 labels for $45.00 USD.
They have numerous colours to choose from and hundreds of fonts.
They were most helpful and I had my labels within 2 weeks of ordering.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

This Moment

{this moment} - A Sunday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause,
savor and remember.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Ringing The Bell

Once you reach Class Three at Master O's Steiner School you get to ring the school bell.
Today was my beautiful boys first day of ringing the bell.
He was so excited
Here he is waiting to open the window
He needed a little help from his friend opening the window

Still Waiting

Ringing the Bell

The lovely old bell
My market went really well last night.
I quickly whipped up some Hiawatha Headbands yesterday to have on my stall

I started making them for children but adults keep buying them to wear to music festivals
 and night clubs.
You just never know where your craft is going to end up!
Have a great weekend.