Thursday, March 22, 2012

Its been a while......................

It has been a while since I made any bags.
I sold all my bags at Christmas time at the Auckland Arts and Crafts Fair.

I had one sitting half finished in a basket.
So on Monday I felt like doing something new so I dragged it out.
I just love these colours of red, turquoise, green and white.
 I used the last of this lovely vintage table cloth to line the bag and make some of the flowers.

And here to finish off are a couple of my love birds hanging on my 
display tree at the market in the weekend.

They just happen to be the same colours as the bag.
Have a wonderful day.


  1. That's so cool Alex. I love it!

  2. The bag looks great the lining too. Beautiful red roses with turquoise, mmmm.

    Sweet little birdies too, I'm sure they'll look a treat on your stall. Hope the market goes well for you......

    Claire :}

  3. Beautiful Alex - love the lining fabric.
