Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Wedding Anniversary

Today is my Wedding Anniversary.
14 years ago today I became Mrs O.
I wish I could say I slept in and got breakfast in bed...............but no. 
I was up at 5.55am logged onto the computer madly trying to get my 
son into his swim class for next term as registration started at 6am.
Even then I did not get my first choice of class.
Mr O gave me a beautiful bunch of  Lizzie Anthers (My favourite Flower) 
and made me a herbal tea and I made it through the swimming ordeal!
This weekend to celebrate we are off on an adult only retreat 
while Master O hangs out with his grandparents. 
I am most excited.

I read  this the other day and I have been saving to it to share with Mr O 
(My perfect man) and my blog readers on this day.

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