Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Birds, Bunnies and Flowers

Recently I have been crazy busy filling shop orders and they have all been wanting 
the Birds, the Bunnies and the flowers.
Which is wonderful as I love sewing all these designs.

I read this beautiful quote by Tolstoy the other day.

I have been so busy that I have not had a lot of me time.
But this week two friends have been so kind to me.
One came and spent 3 hours just cutting leaf's for me and
another lovely friend took me out to lunch yesterday to
"Mondays" in Kingsland.

They were both really kind things to do and it made me realise
that I have been so busy that I have missed out on spending some 
great quality time with some of my lovely, kind friends.
Its time for me to pass on some kindness to the people in my life.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

New Shades

I experimented this week with different colour shades
mixed in with a bit of cream and green.

I am pretty happy with the outcome.
Both Ipad Cases have already found new homes.

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Little Rabbits

Its all about the
"The Little Rabbits"
at the moment

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Little Bird

Recently I have been so busy with shop orders that I have
had to squeeze in new design works here and there.
So I apologise for not having anything new to show you lately.

I have always since I started sewing loved doing bird designs.
So I started this new design as a "Little Black Bird" range
which I really liked. 
However Master O felt I should make some other coloured birds too. 
So he choose the colours for the orange and green bird.
It is a lovely sunny day today so I quickly took some pictures of my new
"Little Bird" range.
What do you think ?

With Christmas coming I have also been working on my "Special Hearts" range for 2014.
I love doing these hearts as I get to do a lot of free hand embroidery.

I have also been working on this years "Pixies"

I will try over the next week to load my new designs in my online store.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Little People (2)

I read this the other day and it really resonated with me.
My son is a sensitive soul and I do worry at times how he will get on in the world.
I read this and I thought its true the world is a better place because
he is a sensitive soul.

Several weeks ago now it was the school holidays.
So we jumped in the car and went down to the Bay of Plenty for 
a holiday with family. 
It rained and rained and was freezing cold.
So we spent a lot of time in doors.
Before we left I found some old wooden dolls tucked in the bottom of a box 
so I took them with me.
I went back to my roots and I made a little people family.

I had such a lot of fun making these little people.
I plan to take them to sell at the Michael Park Steiner school fair in November.
In fact I enjoyed making them so much that I order a few more doll bases to make up.

If you would like to make some.
You can see a tutorial that I did way back in 2011 that will help you.
Here is the link.

I have had Sinus for a few weeks now thus my absence.
A girlfriend said to me recently that as she has grown older she has learnt a
really important thing. It is that we have to learn to 

"Be kind to ourselves"

So I have stepped back from a few things these last few weeks and
I have learnt that is ooh so true.
Often we are so busy being kind and helpful to everyone around us that we forget about ourselves.

So take a moment and think about when was the last time you were kind to you ?

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

The Vikings are coming..................

I have been wanting to make a new design for boys.
So after having a chat with Master O about all things cool for boys.
I came up with this new design for Cushions and Ipad Cases.

I had hoped to reveal them at the  
but they have been snapped up
by Mixt .

So I am creating a few more to take to the Fair.
What do you prefer the Beard or the Moustache?

Friday, June 6, 2014

New Stockist

I have a lovely new stockist
they are based in New Plymouth
and I just sent them a big box full of goodies.
Here is a little peak

As you all know I love colour.
Look at these beautiful colourful people that I found online the other day.
I find them so inspiring.

I leave you with these words.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Right Now

I must start by saying I am sorry.
I never planned on being away from my blog for so just happened.

So I thought I would do a Right Now post so you know whats been happening.

* I had a 10 day holiday with my boys which was wonderful and relaxing.
* I finally managed to do my juicing fast. I lasted 12 days with ups and downs.
   I will definitely do it again but probably not for so long. Maybe 5-7 days maximum.
* I have been sewing some lovely orders.

* I also sewed some slightly new designs for my shop.

* I sewed Master O and his friend Easter Egg Hunting bags

* Then I made some Rabbit Purses for my shop

* Now that the weather is chillier I made some "Lovebird" Hotwater Bottle covers for my shop

* I did my first market of the year on Sunday at Devonport and it was really lovely.
   I do not have another market planned until the "Auckland Art and Craft Fair"
   I am giving myself a big break to work on some new designs that I will unveil at the fair.

So I am sorry I have been absent but I am back now 
and I promise to show sneak peaks of my new designs as I work away on them.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

It is all about the cushion.

This week it has been all about the Hydrangea cushion.
Some have already found new homes and some are in my online store.

Friday, March 14, 2014


Just to let you know that there is a giveaway over on my facebook page.
Here is the link:

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Do you ever wonder who has influenced or inspired you................without you maybe even realising.

When I was at university many moons ago I 
did a Bachelors degree in Art History.
When we came to study Frida Kahlo
I absolutely loved, was fascinated and at times disturbed by her 
and her work (as are many people).

Several years later I worked part time in a restaurant up on Ponsonby Rd in Auckland
that was dedicated to all things about Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera.
It was a fun, beautiful place to work.

I came across this verse by Frida recently.

Nothing is absolute,
everything changes,
everything moves,
everything revolutionizes,
all flies and goes.

This sits well with me and my year of change.

It also made me think throughout my life Frida Kahlo and her work
have popped into my life.
How has Frida Kahlo influenced me and my work, 
my life without me even thinking about it ?

Laughter, love, friendship, beauty.
 "Nothing is worth more than laughter" ~ Frida Kahlo

Here she looks so beautiful you almost miss that her earrings are little hands!

Is she not just stunning!

Have you been influenced by her?
Maybe in your dress sense, your love of beautiful things, flowers, jewellery,
art works, written word.
Frida is long gone but she is still influencing people today.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Sewing, Sewing, Sewing...............

 I have been sewing away a few shop orders, a few personal orders 
and a few things for my shop which I will hopefully load over the next few days.

Here is a peak at some of what I have been working on.
It's all about the purse, the kindle case the mini ipad case and the ipad case

Heart and Vine Range

 Hydrangea Range

Heart and Vine Range in Pink

Fox Range

Wednesday, March 5, 2014


After 1 month and 2 days we now have a shower.
Oh it was such bliss to shower in ones own bathroom.
We are still working on the finishing touches but once it is all done 
I will have pictures.

I am still working away on my new designs.
I found a little bit of leftover teal blanket that I just had to use.

 I am loving the Teal and the Red together.

This year is all about being open to change in my household.
So I thought I would share with you this weeks saying
as it is a rather lovely one.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Hearts and Vines

Well our bathroom adventure still goes on.
We are at day 27 of no bathroom.
Light is however at the end of the tunnel and we only have days to go now.
I am so excited.

Around all the chaos I have been working some more on my new range

"Hearts and Vines" 

I decided to add some rabbits in for a bit of fun.

 Ipad Cases

Mini Ipad or Kindle Case

These new designs are all loaded in my online store.
More of them will be at next weeks art show