Monday, September 28, 2015

Fabric Rep

Recently I saw a beautiful fabric online that had Rabbits and Mushrooms on it.
Two of my favourite things on beautiful Linen Cotton.
I managed to find out who brings the fabric into New Zealand.
I emailed the company and they called me to ask if I would like there rep to visit me.

I explained that I am only a small business.
They assured me that I was not too small.
So the lovely Vivienne from "Nutex" came out to see me.
We spent half an hour or so looking at all the beautiful fabrics that will be coming to NZ in 
future months and she even had some end of lines for sale.
I had a wonderful time and I felt most special.
 So I placed a yummy order.

My Rabbits and Mushroom fabric is coming in October (which I will share with you then).
In the meantime I bought a gorgeous end of line fabric that I can use on my Animal Cushions and purses.

Here is a peak of it backing a couple of my "Mr FOX" cushions.

You can find the "MR FOX"  cushion in my online store

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