Thursday, September 10, 2015

Right Now

 It has been a busy seven weeks since I last did a post.
I have been busy stocking stores with my designs and
some great things have happened along the way.
One of my "Mr Fox" Hotwater Bottle Covers was given as a gift on 
National Television on a programme called "STORY".
This was most exciting for me. 
A big Thank you to all the people that ordered covers off of me after seeing Mr Fox on TV.

Master O is now in his 3rd week at a small Steiner Home school of seven children.
He is absolutely loving it and wakes up every morning singing.
This is a bit of a change for us as two days a week he finishes at 1pm 
and another two days he finishes at 2pm. 
So I have made a work space for him in my studio where he sits and does
 homework while I sew away.
I am really enjoying this afternoon time with him.

New designs have been happening.
Little Kiwi's are popping up on Hotwater Bottle Covers, Ipad Cases and Purses.

All year my wonderful mother and I have been sewing Pixies for Christmas.
The first 20 Pixies went out to a store today and another 20 are off to Wellington tomorrow.
The silly season is about to start.

So even though I have not been blogging so much of late, I am here in the studio working away.
I leave you with this lovely quote that I read the other day.

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